Link of the Day [6.03.10]

I wish I could post this one as a normal video but IniTech blocks "social networking" sites so that blogger is bloggered from work.With all the hoo-ha in baseball over the blown call in Detroit, the retirement of Ken Griffey, Jr. aka The Kid, was overshadowed. Twenty-two years in the majors, no World Series rings, over six hundred homers, and a love and joy for the game of baseball expressed in his smiling face that you can never forget. Dude hit the warehouse in Camden Yards!Today, I give you a video showcasing two good things: The Kid and beating the Yankees. It's from the 1995 ALDS when Seattle beat the Yankees after being down 2 games. This was the deciding fifth game. I think it's in the bottom of the tenth, extra innings. I remember this game, and it has always made me like Seattle.Sayonara, Junior! You're sweet swing and smile will be missed.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.