UX Experts Needed

I currently am mired in self-loathing because of my job. I fucking hate it so much that I wish weekends were six days long. I fucking hate it so much that I don't want to get out of bed. I fucking hate it so much that I can't do any work at all so I spend my days surfing the web. (Shh. Don't tell my managers. Ha ha, fuck 'em.)Anyway check out the latest Windows Mobile 7 screen shots. http://www.winsupersite.com/mobile/wp7_rc_shots.aspNow, my current assignment has me working in Java (Damn you), writing interface code using Swing (Damn you), and being my own UX expert. If I know one thing, I am not a UX expert. The one thing about this Windows Mobile 7 screenshot: it looks as shoddy as the work I am doing now. I suck. And yet, so do the Windows Mobile 7 do too. WTF!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “UX Experts Needed”

  1. Dude!!!!!!!!!!!! the anxiety – sounds like the Matrix has you. Stop beating yourself up. Listen to these words: YOU ARE NOT TRAPPED BY THE MAN.

    live happily with the thought that the unemployment rate is down. Go get another job doing what you wanna do and leave them with your tire tracks.

    Life's too short. but you already know this. I've found there's always gonna be something weird about the people you work with. But when the WORK sucks too – stop doing it.

    a high five and good luck!

  2. I already know what needs to be done

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