The condo association was doing maintenance on the property. They were putting up flashing and redoing the AC ducts on some of the condos. They also decided to realign my satellite dish. Now I don’t get any TV.

I did have the digital receiver, but who wants to watch broadcast. I need my TCM.

So I’m spending the weekend without television. Looks like I can get through my netflix movie and some other DVDs that I haven’t opened yet. Looks like I will be spending more time on the internet not like I haven’t though. Looks like I should clean my house.

All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy.

You get the picture.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “NO TV”

  1. at least you were writing Red Rum Red Rum all over the walls. See what lack of cable TV can do. haha!

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