Kick Ass

Kick Ass is much better comic movie than I thought it was. I was reading Twitter and reading Roger Eberts tweets defending his trashing of the movie. It was basically the internet telling the old man to STFU because his views were too old. I couldn’t believe it. You can’t tell Ebert that his views are too old. I got to watch this movie.

So I had some expectations. I’ve already thought The Dark Knight was overrated. I was expecting more of the same.

Except it was different. Hard to explain. But I think it was very much steeped in comic books and comic book movies. Didn’t take the medium too seriously. Adam West as Nic Cage made me laugh. There was some music I recognized from some other movies.

I think I want to watch it again.

4 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Kick Ass”

  1. Thinking of watching it this weekend. Will a 13 year old like and understand it?

  2. It's pretty graphic. It was rated R here. Sexual situations. Violence. Language from a little girl. I guess it's how liberal you are with your younger brother.

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