And the Oscar went to…

The preliminary count of the winner of the BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool in Imax 3D. I still have to tabulate the votes and make sure that my math is correct. Or I can look at the Seeds count.

Looks to be Jeremy Benthem aka The Seed.

I actually got the most points but I am ineligible for the prize.

I’d like to thank you, my participants, for making this fun. It’s you who make it all worth while.

I think this is the final correct tally.
BrowserMetrics 37
Jeremy Bentham 33
Wyman Lee 30
Riss 25
Marge 23
CapSwell 22
Akeshia 22
Annie 22

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

12 Replies to “And the Oscar went to…”

  1. I lost connection at the end there.

    Damn, you crushed it. Heh.

  2. A real congratulations to Browser, and congrats Seed for taking the prize. LoL!

    I'd like to take this time to congratulate myself for getting the Foreign Language category. weeh!

  3. That should be a prize! Heh.

    Ima taking da prize for Congeniality! Heh.

    That was a tight race for a bit. It came down to the final 4 questions again. Thanks for the contest, cause that was the WORST Oscars yet. They should groups of winners a little longer time frame for a speech and stop all the rambling between each award. The only thing I liked is the stuff they stole from Sundance channel. They should do that for the awards from now on. You know, the explaining the award while showing the movie. I finally know the difference between Sound Mixing and Sound Editing. lol. That would be a hella a lot cooler and it would be behind the scenes type stuff.

    Hmm, now to choose… I'm leaning toward Mr. Fox Bluray, but I'm going to look at the list once again.

  4. I don't like that thing they did with the best actor/actress with their peers saying what was good about the nominee. It got awkward. Plus then you had first time nominees that made you scratch your head about. I hope this is the last year they do that.

    And sound mixing and editing was the difference maker of the night.

  5. That was friggen HORRIBLE. It also made you feel bad for the first time winners that got cut off in their speech. Instead we got endless rambling of Hollywood lovefest 2010. Your right. That was just really lame.

    Yeah, about the halfway point is when things started to get scary.

    Did Basterds only win 1 award? I was hoping for Mr Fox to win even though I voted for Up. I really loved Mr. Fox.

  6. You sure are having a tough time just saying "I'm the winner?" You should, in the spirit of changing from "the oscar goes to" to "the winner is". Own it! Even if the seed gets the prize.

    You should've made the rule that if you win, then everyone else has to send you a dvd!

  7. too bad i didnt get to watch it. i didnt get the trivia. darn. =p

    i first voted for Mr. Fox too for that categ, but darn Up needs to win. who wants a much mature animation than Up anyway? (such as Mr. Fox? me! me!)

    Oscars is bad on the onset with 10 Best Picture nominees. That was a disaster as a pollster, what else if i were an Academy member?

  8. @riss: right! was thinking about that when browser said he was leading the poll. he should get uhm… some non-Oscar nominated flick. say anime? LoL!

  9. I'm taking pride in my win. &) That's a big ol' buggy eyed smile if you're wondering.

    I filled out my ballot early on with no changes. I take pride in that.. heh. Congeniality for the win! Suckas!

    I kid, I kid… but I'll still take the offerings.

  10. @riss: just trying to be modest about things. I mean I don't want to make it look as if the fix was in. But I am glad that I won it. I had to put all emotions away. I originally picked Mr. Fox in animated feature, but changed it due to the fact that Up was a lock. Darn it. Actually I really wanted Coraline to win.

    @marge: I liked the 10 best pictures. Although if it was still down to five this year could've been the year in which I saw all best pic nominees. Or did I already do that in 2008?

  11. that was fun. i cannot believe i marked Avatar as Best pic. I didn't believe the box office wouldn't prevail. How silly of me – this ain't the Golden Globes. Oscar's seemed to actually get it right this year.

    man did they cut off those speeches or what. they should have cut out the one where your supposed colleague says how great you are after having only spent limited times in scenes for that one movie you did together. odd!

    liked the john hughes tribute but wished it was more angst ridden, like everything he wrote. i really wished Basterds and Precious could have won more. But I mean if Sean Penn was okay with it, who's to argue. haha!

  12. Oh no! I prediction suck this year!

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