Adventures From My Netflix Queue: The Ramen Girl

Watching the weather and seeing the snow come down in bunches, it’s best to stay in doors. I’ve got nothing better to do, so I pop my latest Netflix into the DVD player. It’s early for this DVD almost a week and I’ve just put this in — a new record.

Today’s movie is The Ramen Girl. It has been in my queue for a year now always the bridesmaid but never the bride. I keep pushing in down, but since the movie stars the late, Brittany Murphy, I figured I would have to honor her memory by finally watching her flick. No disrespect to her and her memory.

The Ramen Girl is about Murphy’s character going to Japan to follow a boy who then dumps her. Stuck in a foreign land what is she to do. One night in the rain she follows her tears to a ramenya. There she tastes heaven and decides that she should be a ramen cook. The rest of the film is about her learning to cook ramen.

The best part of this film is that it explains the mystery of ramen. You think it’s all about the noodles, but really its the broth. I’ve got plenty of ramen in my cupboard, but I don’t really want the packet broth. If I can make a decent broth, those square dry ramen noodles may almost taste good.

So, Murphy attempts to become a ramen chef. It is hard life made even harder by the her lack of understanding Japanese. But she does learn. Little by little. Not Japanese, but ramen and the broth. Eventually, she gets to become the successor to her sensei, and learns about ramen.

After the movie, I had a bowl of arroz caldo. Not ramen. But I don’t think I do a good broth just yet.

3 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.