Adventures From My Netflix Queue: Amélie

I didn’t plan on blogging the movies I saw today, but a scene in Amélie was directly copied in Ghanjani. It’s kind of weird to notice these things. Similar to Julius Caesar from yesterday. Is it coincidence?

The scene: The girl helps out a blind man.

She spots him lonely on the curb. Then she goes to help him. Takes him by the hand. Leads him to his destination all the while describing what she sees. She gives a running commentary on life being led around them.

In both movies, it signifies something important in the girl. In Ghanjani the girl is carefree, and shows her kindness as helping towards others: it comes naturally. In Amélie, the girl needs to become carefree and she slowly comes out of her shell.

Qué un shell!! Audrey Tautou is plain cuteness personified like an anime girl come to life. Moe in French.

Amélie is a charming movie. Love and the search for love will always be fun to watch. When the girl is as cute as Tautou it’s even more charming. When her character is as shy as that, I’m easily charmed. Reminds me of all the quiet, shy anime girls I so dig. (Mio! Yakomo!) You just want her to find that love. The search is darn cute as well. Find the man. Give him clues. Show him you love him. It’s as easy as that. Where’s my quiet anime French girl in my life.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Adventures From My Netflix Queue: Amélie”

  1. been a long time since ive seen this movie! makes me want to watch it now.

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