They Just Wanna

When in need of something to blog about, I inevitably turn to blogging about blogging. Meta, man, that’s always the way to go when looking for a topic to write about. Yet, I know, everyone who blogs hates blogging about blogging. Navel gazing plain sucks in some blogger’s eyes, but it’s something. I think I like the sound of my keyboard in my ears.

The thing about this blog, it’s a reflection of me. Every post is something that I am interested in talking about. The posts are me. So, if you want to know who I am, at the time, just read my blog. I don’t talk much or go out much anymore, so this is the best I can do to let you know what’s up with me.

That said, I love how reading my archives brings me back in time, and it reminds me that sometimes my writing ain’t so bad. And I need to be reminded, because when the mind is blank, so is the textbox.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.