Yakyuu on the mind

It’s a Sunday. It’s a day game. It’s the finale of a series. It’s a loss. With the home team, Orioles, continuing their less than mediocre ways, it’s time to look in to the game around as its played in Japan.

Here’s the NY Times writing about the
atmosphere in the stadiums of Japan. Very much different than the quiet of Camden Yards. If we could only get as rowdy, we wouldn’t have to worry too much about the awful Red Sox fans who visit our lovely park.

Then there is the adopted team of BrowserMetrics, the Hiroshima Toyou Carp. They’re playing better than the O’s but not much better. They too are below .500 in winning, but the distance to respectability is shorter for them than for the hapless O’s. Plus they’ve got a new stadium, Mazda Zoom-Zoom Park.

Finally, about some manga and anime. Mitsura Adachi’s Cross Game is an amazing manga. The anime only slightly less. We’re going to the Koshien! Taishou Yakyuu Musume is just starting up. I’m not sure I like it, but it’s got baseball, anime girls, sailor uniforms, and kimonos. It’s got the game.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Yakyuu on the mind”

  1. Mazda Zoom-Zoom sounds like Speed Racer to me. =D and is Camden Yards really "quiet"? idk.

  2. Did you click through and read the article?

    If your fans provide a continuos roar throughout the game, then it is a rawkous time. Camden Yards (as most other stadiums) needs some kind of signal from the score board to generate noise. Even when there is 40,000 fans.

  3. im disproving coz i made my own claim not too long ago http://margeeboo.blogspot.com/2009/06/mets-vs-rays.html. thats all. =D

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