Two Years of iPhone-ness

Was it really two years ago today? And what becomes of my contract?

iPhone Madness
iPhone Impressions
iPhone Impressions take 2

I’m just about ready to upgrade to the 3GS, but I am laming out on that because OS 3.0 suffices my needs. I just like the newer camera, but I’m planning to upgrade my own Panasonic digital camera, so it is not imperative that I get the 3GS.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Two Years of iPhone-ness”

  1. Check out your post "iPhone Madness" and then click the link "capitolswell". See where it takes you.

  2. Sweet. THat guy always gets me whenever I misspell blogspot! Touché, señor bible dude!

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