The One Where We Go Find the FishTank’s Lawyer

Dreamed about I.

We were driving around in my convertible Mini Cooper. CapitolSwell, my dad, the FishTank and some other person. We had to go to a restaurant to meet the FishTank’s lawyer. It was I.

She was very fidgety and flighty — talking fast. She smoked. We sat down. She was talking to everyone in the restaurant. She handed cigarettes to some people. She yelled her order at the wait staff.

After signing the contracts. We walked out, and she went to smoke. I said to CapitolSwell, “I wonder if I can get her to give me a cigarette?” I already had one in my hand which I handed back to CapitolSwell, as I asked her for one.

While puffing away together, I asked her how long its been since we’ve seen each other. I kept going on about 15 years. She kept babbling since high school. She was still fidgety. I attempted to hug her, but stopped and asked if I could. She said go ahead. I did. It felt good.

I thought about getting her number. Right as I was about to ask, she puts out her cigarette in a dramatic fashion, says she’s got to get back to dinner with her parents, says great to see me, and goes back inside. I put out my cigarette.

As we walk away to get in the car, she comes running back out. I ask for her number. She says okay. I pull out my iPhone. She tries to grab it out of my hand screaming let me to let her enter her number. I’m waiting for iPhone to wake from sleep. As it does she grabs it and starts jabbing at buttons. She’s very unsuccessful at getting her number on iPhone. She comments about my red wallpaper, “Why’s your phone all red?” With no actual number entered, she runs to her parents as they come out the restaurant.

I walk up and calmly ask for her to give me her number. She gives it to me as her parents eyeball me while speak German to each other.

I then say I’ll call sometime. I run to the car where I jump in the back middle seat. CapitolSwell takes the keys to drive, and my dad had been drinking a soda. The other person joins us in the back seat grumbling about the tight seating arrangement. I say to CapitolSwell, “You sure you can drive stick?” He gets the car going and crunches some gears. At a stop sign, he doesn’t want to stand still so he cuts in front of some guy walking in the cross walk. He sees some dude tailgating, tells him off, and steps on the gas.

As we speed away I stand up into the wind and look back. The tailgater is coming up fast again.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.