Dear [redacted], Spring 1995

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

13 Replies to “Dear [redacted], Spring 1995”

  1. Edward Cullins left his notbook in Gym class. I see you found it. Heh.

  2. I had to look up that reference, and even then I have no idea what you’re snarking about. Was Edward Cullins as sad a sack as me? Or am I the emo one? Which I am really in that letter.

  3. It’s just fun to poke fun at things at our sappiest and sad young moments. Who isn’t a sad sack at some point?

    Simply it just read like a page from Twilight. That is all. Nothing more. Just a goofy comment. Edward has a book of his thoughts on the events of first book… but I wasn’t really referencing anything.

    It just sounded funny, but I guess it wasn’t.

  4. I haven’t read Twilight. And if that guy’s as emo as me in that letter I don’t think I will read it. Ever.

    I knew it was a joke. I think it’s even funnier that I didn’t recognize the name even after seeing the movie.

    The letter was never sent BTW. And it’s kind of cool that I use to write letters. Funny thing is I find my writing to be so fascinating. I think it’s dull, but it kind of reads interesting.

  5. It reads like Twilight.

    I actually like the book. It’s a throwback to silly times and ideas, but with a Vampire in it. I dig it. It’s like as cheesie as some of the comics I’ve read. Just as fun too.

    The movie is cheesie fun too. I dig it. I can look past the silver skin, bad villain vampire and cheesie poses. Heh. I actually like it for it’s core story about a high school kid in love with a Vamp. Fun stuff.

    After all I did purchase the bluray.

  6. Dude. You’re always about the vampires and stuff. Hee hee.

  7. I know. Heh. I’m reading Twilight for gods sake.

    Surprisingly I haven’t read any Vampire Manga. I’ve seen Vampire Hunter D ways back… but I haven’t hit that interpretation yet.

  8. @ Seed: you ordered the bluray!?!? awesome! at last i can watch it. im the last person who hasnt seen it.

  9. I forgot my mom loves Vamp films.

  10. This is most disturbing that your mom is reading my blog. EVERYTHING IS FICTION. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

    While here, does she have any criticism on the letter?

  11. Yay!! Leomina!!! Welcome!

    If you check out what Stephenie Meyers wrote for Twilight from Edward’s point of view. You can really see the parallels with your letter.

    I dug reading what it was like from his POV and wondered if guys really thought that way. I guess you answered my question, Browser.

  12. Eeek. I am even lamer than I can possibly imagine. I’m an emo vampire from some mormon’s mind! Let me go out in the sun! Oh wait, that doesn’t do anything! Damn you Ms. Myers! 😛

  13. dang! there was a dummy who forgot to disable accounts. =p now tita mina likes vampire movies too. well its a love story anyway.

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