“I agree, it totally sucks.”

http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/19/theater/19richardson.htmlThis really saddens me. She was great as Elizabeth James, Lindsay
Lohan's mother, in the Parent Trap remake. I love that movie.R.I.P Ms. Richardson. My thoughts are with her family and friends.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to ““I agree, it totally sucks.””

  1. It’s really really sad…

  2. I normally don’t get all caught up in celebrity deaths, but this one is plane sad. She wasn’t a hard drinking party girl or crazed lunatic. But it’s not the celebrity thing or that I cared for her work. It’s just tragic in it’s simplicity.

    Just imagine being the husband or wife hearing that their lover thought they felt fine and waved off a trip to the hospital. Just imagine what would run through ones mind thinking something could have been prevented if you were there. This wasn’t a sickness, but a mishap. I mean it’s not like you were prepared for it. Just imagine all the things that would run through your head if you were there and didn’t bring her to the hospital. It’s tragic in that sense. The fact that it just happened. There’s no answers or going back in time. She hit her head, thought she was fine, then a few moments later died. It’s not like a plane crash or car accident where one is either rushed to a hospital or pronounced DOA. She bumped her head and didn’t think twice about it.

    It’s not starving kids in Africa or families freezing in the cold. Those are horrific situations due to specific circumstances. This was just a lady who went skiing, hit her head, turned down a trip to the hospital than died at a healthy 45.

    Then there’s the media and Paparazzi mofo’s hounding them at the entrance of the Hospital. These small glorified blogs and news sites trying to get the one up on the situation. There’s the comments on the forums of distasteful jokes and division of character on the nets. It’s just wild.

    A woman went skiing. A man lost his love.

  3. I agree. The suddenness of her death was stunning. Can you really die from a ski fall? So sad. So very sad.

  4. I’ve read somewhere that she may have hit a tree. But who knows?

  5. Man it is sad. just so sudden. ughh. my thoughts are with her family.

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