Is it here?

An Apple NetBook? Isn’t that what iPhone is for? Also, if they did do it wouldn’t it be a giant iPhone? It’ll also be their tablet we’ve been all waiting for!!!!!!1

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Is it here?”

  1. that doesnt sound right….

  2. Which part? The iPhone? The netbook? The tablet?

    Imagine a big sized iPhone. That’s they’re netbook and tablet. But it don’t have ATT or maybe it’ll be like your iPod touch. But bigger.

    And a touch screen keyboard.

  3. the netbook doesnt sound right. i think that will be the budgeted edition of Macbook Air.

  4. They should turn the Air into a “pro” version of the “netbook” series and introduce a real touch face netbook. If the Air had a little more power and a better graphics card… man that would be tasty for a photographer. Hell I would have loved to have gotten one… but it’s lack of firewire and power made it a lame duck.

    The Air with it’s new chipset/CPU would be enough Photography and enough to get work stuff done with a little play. Make the new iTouch/netbook 8×10 with the old Air chipset/CPU and BAM… you have the Mac Mini of the notebook line.

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