First Days are the Worst Days

When I woke up this morning on my couch, the news was on. I wondered why they’re on at 5 AM? Oops. Daylight savings time kicked in and it was now 6. Why is there no sunlight? So, I had breakfast: oatmeal, coke, and a cup of coffee. I need to fuel up for my bike ride.

There is nothing better than to be on a bike in the cool early mornings. It so happen to be a Sunday coming off of winter and spring should be here soon. What was the temperature? Sixty-five degrees! Nice conditions for the first bike ride of the season.

Over the last two months, I’ve tried to work out. I’ve only done a few weeks and those were rather non-consecutive weeks. Sickness intervened both times. Yet, I feel ready. It’s better to be doing than to be fake doing. I don’t ride the stationery bike at the gym because it’s so fake. I’m just hoping that I’ve built up a decent amount of cardio fitness to make today less hurting.

So I start gearing up, but “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” is on. I watch up until Tuco and Blondie make their pact. “Don’t die on me, Blondie.” Classic, but I have to go.

I’m gonna ride the Gios. Hmmm. I need to check its conditions, because it has been a while. Tires? Inflate them. Chain? Oiled? I don’t know, maybe take it in for a tune up. Water? Yes. Clothes? Knickers and the Campy winter shirt which may be too warm for the cool Sunday morning.

I’m going out the front door for the normal route.

It’s a little bit overcast. I wear my favorite Oakleys with the yellow tints. I am cool. In the morning as I warm up with a quick around the block.

Then down Pleasant Hill. Thirty-nine MPH! The air whips by making it cold. I’m happy bombing the hill, but worried a bit as the roads have some moisture. Still fast is fast. Smiling.

Afterwards into the woods and slow steady climb. I’m not tuckered out. Maybe my workouts are fine? But I’m not in any bike fit shape. My pedal stroke is okay, but how will it hold out? I sip a bit of water, must not forget about drinking even though it’s not cold I will still dehydrate from all that caffein. My position on the bike is okay, I’m slightly comfortable. Must start using the drops, but I hate that position.

In no time I’m zipping around the back roads. Then comes the hill on Deer Park right around Soldier’s Delight. It’s not tall, but it is there as an indication of my fitness. I’m up it at 9 MPH, not good, but I’m not breathing to heavy. Down the backside of that hill and I’m doing the cruising thing at 22 MPH. I love this section. This ride was supposed to be an easy one, but I feel like I’ve been riding for two full weeks.

I’m on the turn. I’m on Nicodemus breaking 22 MPH again!. I’m climbing Church. No granny gear, but I’m tuckered a bit. Is this true fitness or just adrenaline from riding the first day?

So this was what it was: 12.45 miles, 50 minuetes, average 14.5 MPH, max 39 MPH. I’m hoping for another ride next weekend. I’m also hoping the numbers improve over the season.

I’ll see you out there!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.