“I am not a mindless drone. Mindless drones should not be allowed to use technology.” “You are the Unabomber, aren’t you?”

Bookstore Haul: Volume 11 — This Is The End of NewsRadio Quote Month

Why did I have to leave work early? Now I had to find some place to kill time. And I went to my favorite hang. Fudge. I bought some stuff. Again. Why? I haven’t even cracked the other stuff I bought the other times. This is getting to be ridiculous.

Also, the end is neigh for NewsRadio Quote Month. One more into the books. Shit. Another year. And more around the waist.

The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu as translated by Ken Liu. Science fiction. I haven’t taken a look at fiction in a while. Let alone sci-fi. I hope this is good.

Sushi: Taste and Technique by Kimiko Barber and Hiroki Takemura. There’s dashi maki tamago. I need to eat less sushi. And make it more.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.