
Don't the words, "former president," sound good on fucktard president,
George Bush? It's like the sound of angels singing.Here we are on this historic day of days. The first African-American
president of this nation. Our hopes are with him and our dreams are
that he'll restore the nation to its former glory — not perfect, but
civil and just. He'll sweep in and fix things so that the nation begins
to function properly. If he can just get us back to 2000 then we'll be
fine.I was offered a ticket to today's party, but declined. I'm so lame.
I'll let history sweep past me. I'll view it from afar as a unaffected,
emotionelss observer. I wish some changes would come. If he can just
get us back to 1997 then I'll be fine.This is bigger than anything we've seen lately. It is like 9/11 but for
the good. We are no longer frightened. We have beaten back evil, and
we will be a force of good.Let's hope that he does it the right way.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.