Going, but not forgotten

Today’s Paul Krugman op-ed is good:

And to protect and defend the Constitution, a president must do more than obey the Constitution himself; he must hold those who violate the Constitution accountable. So Mr. Obama should reconsider his apparent decision to let the previous administration get away with crime. Consequences aside, that’s not a decision he has the right to make.

If there is one thing wrong with Mr. Obama, it’s that he’s still beholden to the status quo as regards to being the leader of the US. Being PUSA means being in a small, select club. There have been only 45 of them come next Tuesday, so it’s probably best to not mess with what the club deems a good thing. You have to protect your own kind, and all indications seem that Mr. Obama will do just that.

This re-establishes that the PUSA is above the law, and above the Constitution, a fact that the most heinous presidential administration believed. If the president elect does not endorse an inquiry into these past eight years, then he’s embracing the most embarrassing presidential administration’s beliefs and endorsing their criminality.

The PUSA isn’t better than you or me, a regular citizen, when it comes to the laws of the US. We are all equal under the Constitution. By not acknowledging that his predecessor flaunted and broke those laws, Mr. Obama sends the message that the office of the President of the United States is above the law and is king in his own land.

Our founding fathers are rolling their graves right now.

Posted by broderic

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