Link of the Day [1.03.08]

It’s 4 AM and I just finished up the anime, Welcome to the N.H.K. I strolled through the door about a quarter to one and decided to finish up the third disc of the series, but it got so good I kept going to the fourth. Then the final two episodes hit, and I was really moved. I mean really moved. What Misaki and Sato went through! That second contract was one of the saddest things I ever heard, but Sato didn’t sign it even though it was a cry for help. Sheesh!

This is a real good anime. Today’s link will be a semi-review of the penultimate episode of the series. It’s not mine, but one of the first search results when looking for the anime.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Link of the Day [1.03.08]”

  1. I guess the N.H.K gotch yah! Did she enter yet?

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