Movie List 2008

I always compile this list before the end of the year. While looking over my posts of the movies I saw in the theatre, I was surprised that I had a lot of 2 stars even from the ones that were “good.” (I’m looking at you Dark Knight.) I’m also surprised that I saw very few movies. A rough estimate is about 60 this year whereas last year was probably around . I still a few reviews to post, but those films are just average or below. So here’s my list of 4+ star films.

Click the link to read my review. Post your own list.

I’ve also noticed that my list is getting shorter. Either I am becoming a better judge of movies or I am becoming more finicky.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Movie List 2008”

  1. given this short list, plus the fact that There Will Be Blood is not considered as an 08 movie, and Vertigo as well, then you didnt have a 5 star movie.

  2. Because all movies kind of sucked this year.

  3. And I do the calendar year when I see ’em. There Will Be Blood seemed to fall on this year so I had to include it. Maybe we didn’t get around to seeing it in time. Or did we?

  4. i figured, but had to note, and i posted my rating on There Will Be Blood on Jan 22, so that explains why.

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