Wise words from a Nobel awardee

The ever shrill, Paul Krugman, takes the financial service industry to task eviscerating those jokers with a beautiful op-ed in the NY Times. This is awesome and sums up my feelings about the fraud perpetrated on the world that the market is run by smart people. They are only smart in that they make us all dumb for believing them. What a bunch of immoral, greedy bastards. The devil works there.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Wise words from a Nobel awardee”

  1. so much faith in our markets to build wealth what about the good ol days when we actually built stuff instead of speculating on prices…

  2. Americans are lazy. “Give it to me now,” is what they believe in. Hard work? No. Take the easy way out.

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