Link of the Day [12.19.08]

I don't know if I had already wrote about this experience, but it's
amusing enough to generate two posts about, if I did.Awhile back, I was getting out of Itsuki-chan in the parking lot of
HomeDepot. A middle aged lady was driving by and she was rolling down
her window."Where do you plug that in?""Excuse, me?""Where do you plug that in electric car in?""Oh. Sorry. It's just a normal car." A regular combustible gas
engine, but fun all the same. She had mistaken my car as one of those
fancy electric cars. Perhaps she's never seen a Mini Cooper. They are
rather rare in the area, and they do not look like other cars. In the US, mini's have plain old gas-guzzling engines, not that they are
gas-guzzling, but they run on plain old unleaded. In other countries,
there's a diesel version. Now, they're constructing an electric mini
which is interesting. Perhaps if there's enough interest, you can buy
one of these in the near future.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.