Link of the Day [12.03.08]

My cousin, Bob, has gone car free. He's riding a bike. That's the way
to commute. Who needs the hassle of owning a car? Who wants to save
money? Be more healthy? Fossile fuels are for sucks.Someone in Hawaii is pushing for electric cars. That's an even crazier
idea. He should be pushing for more bikes. I can't imagine a more
perfect place for a cycle culture. Sunny and warm every day. The
islands are pretty small: you can take a bus around Oahu, so the
distances are not very far. You can always hop off and go for a swim if
you're sweating too much. A more casual attitude. Frick. That's
pretty awesome now that I come to think about it.Hmm. This link of the day post went off on a tangent. I guess it
happens when you're scrambling for posts in the morning over coffee.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Link of the Day [12.03.08]”

  1. Somehow I’m trying to imagine Bob drinking and biking. So long minivan, so long rodeo….

  2. Flights from BWI to HNL are only around $400 right now..did you get your tickets yet?

  3. @br:I’m thinking of riding my bike all the way there!

    @riss:I asked him about how he takes girls home. ^^;

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