Bad Moms

I was a victim of a bad mom. She took me to see Bad Moms. Not that it was a bad movie. It just wasn’t good.

First, who can believe that Mila Kunis can have 2 grade school aged children? That is unreal right there.

Second, she wasn’t bad at all. Just her attitude was bad. I’ve seen movies where the mother has left behind the kids to fend for themselves and eventually die. Mila Kunis did not leave her kids alone. She just got drunk and partied hard. Plus, she fought the PTA. Everyone fights the PTA!

Third, even the PTA was sympathetic. They were all high strung, but just a little bit of partying would help them. And it did.

Last, this was a better movie when LL was in it — Mean Girls.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.