
Giving thanks at thanksgiving.

For Nozomi Sasaki, anime, short manga series, unending manga series, 2d girls, 3d girls, Nozomi Sasaki, Barack Obama, W leaving, I”s, 2008 Mini Cooper S, pen and paper, Mac Mini, PowerBook, software, the this pointer, C++, chown, chgroup, chmod, Nozomi Sasaki, girls, women, chicks, family, turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, with gravy, fish and chips, fried cheese, graduation, figure collecting, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, friends, community, the stars and stripes, bleu, blance et rouge, red, white and blue, cool nights, starless nights, full moons, the northern lights, sunshine, summertime, cycling, wind in your face, top down, windows down, beer, hot dogs, at the Yard, last inning home runs, 3 run home runs, Ichigo 100%, comic books, long boxes, the internet, having a job, needing a new job, resumé, movies, films, spain in the summer, autumn, leaves turning yellow, turning red, turning orange, unknown planets. Nozomi Sasaki. Afternoons, mornings, late nights. The world as it is…

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.