Role Models

Role Models is too heavily steeped in Judd Apatow-isms.

You have one Paul Rudd as one of the leads. He’s famous as being the funny, straight guy, second banana, good buddy in Apatow films. He’s not a leading man, but a solid buddy to anchor the serious man stuff. You have McLovin’. Really, that’s all he is — McLovin’. He’ll always be — McLovin’. And that’s what we’ll always remember him as. Finally, you have the Apatow script of man-childs growing into responsibility as more manly man-childs.

As I watched the movie, I can’t help but think about an Apatow flick. There was bro comedies before Apatow, but once he hit in the summer of 2007, there is nothing left but Apatow bro comedies. It’s too bad as this would’ve been a really stupid fun flick to watch if not for the spectre of Apatow.

The one thing that this movie has that beats Apatow is a running time of reasonable length, and an ending that ended the movie.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

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