Umm… Mmm…

Umm… Mmm…
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
I’m just completely enamored. I would write something pithy, but I’m speechless. Rather, I have to much to say, but can’t or else I will lose my wholesome image.

Once again, thanks to Really Cute Asians dot Com for the pictures.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Umm… Mmm…”

  1. Would this be considered fetishism?

  2. most likely stalking. Sorry about the quadruple post. It’s what usually happens when stupid iPhone fails to send picture so it does it again. And again. And again. That’s just shit on the developers of the mail program. When it fails it shiikdnt queue it up again. Where can I submit a bug report.

  3. Skynet is one such failure of a program. i mean elementary school for Browser? hello!?

  4. fetishism? I think an obsession. She’s got one of the most beautiful faces I have seen. Lately, it’s been Japanese girls.

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