Link of the Day [10.19.08]

They concluded the presidential debates last night, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn’t watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, former congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, for one.

Cynthia McKinney is running on the Green ticket. She beat out Ralph Nader. Nader must be such a loser that even the Greens don’t want him to lead. McKinney might be more of the same. While I admire some of what the Greens stand for (environmental policies?,) why vote for these losers who will never get a chance to enact any of those policies you cherish?

The Green Party has an all woman ticket. Sarah Palin take note.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

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