Link of the Day [10.17.08]

They concluded the presidential debates Wednesday, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn’t watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, Bob Barr, for one.

I have no clue about this dude. From reading his Wikipedia entry, the item that stands out most is that he was one of the congressional leaders in the impeachment of Bill Clinton. I say, “Get a fucking life, you cocksucking twat.” Barr is running under the Libertarian Party flag. I would think that libertarians would value personal freedom in the form of receiving a BJ once in awhile. He must’ve only come to this conclusion recently. How can you be the Presidential nominee of the party Party and be against BJs?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.