They walk

I’m all psyched to play my imported PSP game, Macross Ace Frontier, but I don’t have a PSP. So I stop by Best Buy.

So very, very close to purchasing one, but decided against it. I had the box in hand comparing which one I should buy. Madden ’09? Gods of War? Plain black for $30 less? Ratchet & Clank? Why?

In the end, like Robert Deniro in Heat, I walked. Thirty seconds. Gone.

Turns out it was smart decision. Today was the quiet release of an updated PSP: the PSP 3000. You can get it in that Ratchet & Clank bundle. I’ll just wait for the non-bundled one next month. Meanwhile, I’m brushing up on my kanji.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.