Quote of the Day [10.14.08].

"I mean the updates are cute and all… but I think I actually prefer the refurb of previous gen. I like the old silver keys."TheSeed, hoisted from comments in today's "Link of the Day"

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Quote of the Day [10.14.08].”

  1. Black Keys = cute
    Silver Keys = sexy

    Adapter needed to link my video camera = lame
    Gloss only = consumer
    $99 Adapter needed to drive a 30 inch screen = WTF?

    The Pro in Macbook Pro = dead

    I’m hoping they’ll bring back things by way of BTO

    It is cool though that are freed up to design the case as they see fit. And it’s cool that chip makers are now willing to work with Apple. I just hope that the Macbook Pro doesn’t become Le Big Mac. That’s great more people eat Big Macs. But some of us need a real beef burger.

  2. That’s what a desktop is for?

    Bring back the 17″!

    I want a 20″ laptop! It’s getting to be winter soon and I could use the space heater.

  3. The 17″ is coming.

    I’m not sure what you meant by “That’s what a desktop is for?”

    Look at previous models with multiple periphs. One could buy a previous Macbook and be happy. Now, what to do with your consumer video camera and free iMovie app? Chuck and delete and buy a Mac mini?

    My brother was about to buy the new macbook because it’s all the power one needs, but then he realized he only has Firewire external hardrives. Woops.

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