“I can’t claim that I knew Ted well, but I do know that he had has passions. ‘Star Wars’ was one. And apparently he was also a devoted member of the K

Link of the Day [9.22.08]The Big Bailout is coming, and it will only help the Masters of the
Universe who got us into this mess. I keep hearing from people that
Barack Obama is going to raise our taxes. With this shit happening, our
taxes are going to be raised just to fund the retirement of the Masters
of the Universe. They play around and get hurt, and now they come
crying to the government for help. And we'll let them. Isn't it about
time that those who believe in the free market to let the free market
work? Shit happens. Too bad. Get a job.Anyway, if you're as angry at this predicament, remember this is all
part and parcel of the way Republicans run our nation. They don't take
any responsibility in the mess they make. They want the working man to
clean up after them, but don't want to help the working man themselves.
Vote Obama. Also, contact your Congressman and Senator and express your dismay at
the Big Bailout and the lack of oversight going into it. The last time
the administration said it must act fast, we got the war in Iraq.
Sometime's we have to step back and wonder, "WTF."http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2008/09/lies-from-paulson-kee

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.