“My boss is pretty strict, so I can’t get any of you free food, except for Bill.”

Reading about the big bailout of the financial industry, I am fucking mad. If the pussy Democrats in Congress allow it to pass, then John McCain deserves to be president, because the nation can go to hell.

To give that much power and control to the Fed is just something else. They want to buy the bad assets with our money. We should be buying the companies themselves for the amount we are paying. And we should be making every wage slave of the financial industry our own personal butlers and maids. The should come to my house and clean it.

Here’s some links of note to the whole fucking boondoggle.

They’re still making billions

Why you should hate it

The failure of capitalism

We have seen the fall of communism supposedly brought down by our Republican friends. Now we see the fall of capitalism brought down by our Republican friends. Like I said before, they should never ever be entrusted with the government.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

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