“Well, these may not be those, but that is not too shabby. “

Link of the Day [9.08.08]

When NewsRadio Quote Month started, the DVD for the show hadn’t been released. I had to scour the interwebs for NewsRadio quotes. Fast forward a few years later, and you can get the entire five seasons on DVD. Thank you megacorp.

When you finally watch them you see the brilliance of the show. I will be happy to put NewsRadio up against any other sitcom ever produced as the greatest comedy. Evah. It starts strong from the pilot episode through the death of Bill McNeal (Phil Hartman), and although uneven and lacking the finer wit of the previous four, it’s fifth season grows and grows on you.

Here’s a fan writing for The Onion’s AV Club wherein she watches the first two seasons on DVD in the first box set. All her synopsis of those episodes are a great reads and brings back fond memories of each show. It’s also a font of NewsRadio quotes that I haven’t used yet. Heh. Heh.

Where’s my discs?


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.