Actual Pineapple Express Review

Most times, when you're high, you feel time slow down. Most times, when
you watch a Judd Apatow flick, you feel time slow down. Pineapple
Express is a stoner movie produced by Apatow. Time slowed down.It's not like other movies from the Apatow factory, where the movie was
really 30 minutes too long, although this one had an ending then an
afterward that resolved nothing but added more time. The time seemed to
stretch in this movie and his other movies because of the languid pacing
and stretching out of jokes to maximize, but minimize, their
effectiveness. For example, midway through the film, stoners Rogen and
Franco are selling some pot to kids, and the scene lasts for five
minutes as we watch them smoke up and dance stoner dances with the kids.
The too young to smoke kids inhaling, and you would've been laughing
like you were high, but the story adds extra dancing to this scene that
made it pointless. Ten year olds high, funny. Ten year olds and Seth
Rogan dancing not so much.Still there was some laughs to be had. Only if you smoked. I think
everyone in the audience was high, so people were laughing. Danny
McBride wrestles another movie away from its stars and becomes the most
likeable character actor this summer. Gary Cole plays scary somewhat
scarily funny, and Ed Begley makes you laugh remembering his turns in
other comedies like Spinal Tap and Women on the Moon. And Amber Heard,
although in her twenties, plays a very delicious high school girl.See it, but only if you're high.3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Actual Pineapple Express Review”

  1. I don’t feel it was slow or too long. I just don’t see movies that way. I just think it was poorly scripted and oddly directed. The buddy flick felt forced and the crime adventure was half ass. The weird thing is that’s why I dug it more than Tropic Thunder. Because Express felt like something you and your buddies would make on the fly. Where as Thunder felt too stale and scripted that only Hollywood insiders would make. There’s some “whatever” charm to Express.

    Or maybe it’s because I’m a fucking stoner.

    I concur though that it’s a 3 star film. I feel Tropic is a 3 star also. I giggled but didn’t think much more of it. I believe “the funny” of the year goes to Step Brothers.

  2. Funny thing is that it wasn’t too long like 40 year old virgin. It just the beats in the scenes felt drawn out a step too long just like if you were stoned and things crept by slightly.

  3. that’s true. It had moments where it seemed like they didn’t know where to take it next.

  4. marge’s laugh-o-meter:

    Pineapple Express: haha-0-0-haha-0-0-0-haha

    Tropic Thunder: haha-haha-0-haha-0-0ha-haha-0

    go figure.

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