Link of the Day [8.12.08]

Sometimes political commentators can be blowhards hard to listen to and to take seriously especially if they bloviate about the problems of the Democratic party. While not perfect in any sense, and not achieving much for the American people, the Democratic party still strives to make living in the United States better for everyone.

The Republican party? Not so much.

Thomas Frank is supposedly one of the more astute commentators of the political scene. While I don’t doubt that (I had read One Market Under God which was okay), he does put succinctly the problems with the Republican party and the people who come to be its representatives. They are a corrupt bunch of people, because the philosophical underpinnings of the Republican party is corrupt as well. They are beholden not to the people who elect them but to the corporations and the wealthy. They believe government to be THE problem, but still want to work within it. You don’t put the criminals in charge of the police. Why do we do it for our government?

Get this book and see the impoverished ideas of the Republican party.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.