Point A to Point B

Here’s an interesting article from the Washington Post highlighting the new bicyling paradigm in the Capitol. It seems that more and more people are not riding their bicycles for sport or for exercise, but as a tansportation. It’s getting to be downright Copenhagenized.

People just get on their bikes and ride to the store. To the cinema. To the restaurant to meet some friends. To school. To work. To places cars had taken us.

The price of gas going up has made sensible people get out of the car and onto a bike. You don’t really need to drive to the corner store. Put your groceries in your bike’s basket. You don’t need to drive to work. Cruise in style on two wheels. Pretty soon we may find out this is good for us and the planet.

Now, to find the quickest route to work.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.