La Guernica

This is interesting, too. On this day, besides Hiroshima, the Spanish town of Guernica was devastated by German bombs. It’s another sad memory for mankind.

Hanging in the Rénia Sofia is Picasso’s La Guernica painted in response to the tragedy of that day. It’s perhaps the most visited painting in that museum.

When we visited last year (it’s been almost year?), there were crowds around it. The scene reminded me of seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. People were intensely studying it and contemplating the horrors of the day. They say it’s one of the more humanistic of paintings. You see it and you wonder how we could do such a thing. Man can be so unkind to his fellows.

It’ll be an everlasting testament to evil.

In Hiroshima, there still exists burnt out shell of the Hiroshima Prefecture Industrial Promotion Hall. It signifies our yearning for peace. Can’t we all just get along?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “La Guernica”

  1. with wars in different parts of the world plus genocide, man! some people just do not learn from the past!

    may these images and reminders continue to haunt down the evil in societies and give hope to the world that things will be a ok. though we all hope that it shall be now.

    and remind everyone that this is also not the answer:

  2. War! What is it good for?

  3. On a serious note, I doubt that wars will cease. We still fear the “them.” We just need to make it a less viable option to hashing out our differences.

    It’s a small world we live in, why fight each other to get ahead?

  4. i will agree that wars will never end because there are emerging types of wars thats evolving with the changes that we see in our world. while some people still believe that the strong will survive or the survival of the fittest, then all these wars shall not end. =(

  5. We need wars to combat the alien threat!!!! We just need to be peaceful with each other so that we can destroy the coming alien invasion. And not the illegal kind, but the greys. 😉

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