Link of the Day [8.03.08]

The more and more you watch John McCain’s campaign the more and more you get the feeling that he’s just a grumpy old man. He keeps thinking that he deserves to be president by virtue of his service to the country as a Vietnam POW. He feels that he’s entitled to the office. It’s just like an old white guy to always demand it his way.

His veterans status doesn’t automatically qualify him for the presidency. He should be a leader, but I don’t think he is. He’s more like the current fucktard president: wanting it because he’s John McCain and who are you to fuck with him? John McCain is not fit for the presidency.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Link of the Day [8.03.08]”

  1. Is he really that much worse than Hillary – the lady who expects to be president by the virtue of her status as the former first lady?

    Elephants or donkeys – they’re all corrupted.

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