Cycling With No Safety Net

You know I bought a couple of new rides this year. I had to pick up the old one at my mom’s. Since my main bike is illin’ with a broken spoke, I had to go on a ride with the single speed PaddyWagon. One gear. And I think there were some slight hills from my home to my mom’s.

I thought about it yesterday and was slightly apprehensive. Can I climb the hills without my granny/low gear? The route is releatively flat, but the only one that would’ve been scary was the hill on Walnut. I think it’s about 0.2 miles but probably a good 6-8% grade.

So, I get on the road with the PaddyWagon, and it takes a while to warm up. It’s a slight uphill on Pleasant and I’m panting a little bit. Hmmm. Nothing bad for a bit. Once I get on Gwynnbrook, it’s a steady climb, but I keep a nice tempo and speed of about 13 mph. I get to the hill on Walnut, and grind up it, out of the saddle, and feeling it, but I make it through. Not bad without any lower gearing.

Maybe, I should ride my normal ride without the low gear safety net? I’ll see…

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.