That New Car Smell

It’s killing me. Way overpowering.

Things I’ve learned buying a new car.

Purchasing options a la carte makes it fun. It can also be expensive.

Taxes suck and makes your car more pricier than you imagined it to be. They also reduce the number of options you can choose as you want to keep the car on budget and affordable.

Owning a car has many hidden costs. The tires. The maintenance. Not to mention gas and insurance. Owning two cars, the costs aren’t so hidden. Twice the gas. Twice the insurance. Half as fun to own.

Watch for extensive hard sell at the close for extended warranty. Or life time tires. Or extra road side assistance. You feel that your pressing your luck when ignoring those options. Especially, that damn lifetime of tires!

Watching really does make the pot not boil. I can’t believe how slow the last few weeks went. Really slow. Down payment on May 31. The days crawled by. On board a ship on June 18. The days inch forward. In the States on June 28. In the dealership on July 4. In my hands on the 11th. Those days in between were interminably long.

Am I going to be Senor Detailer again?

Why won’t that new car smell go away!?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.