The Witch

The horror in The Witch permeates every scene. It’s not like a slasher flick wherein the antagonist shows up off and on to butcher everyone. This one plays psychologically. It’s inside your head until it isn’t. It never lets you know safety. It’s always dangerous.

The antagonists, the witch, is real. She nibbles around the family farm before striking, then you know true fright.

The Witch is about a family of New England settlers who exile themselves from the safety of the village. They find themselves on the outskirts of the wilderness plagued by evil of the New Country. This takes place several decades before Salem and let’s you know that the madness was real. And you will all know how real it was.

I watched this during the day, but later that night, I woke up to a bright full moon flooding my room with pale moonlight. Then I thought about the witch and wish I hadn’t.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.