Get Smart

Get Smart is dumb summer fun. What can you say about a movie that was meant to be forgotten as soon as you exit the theatre? That’s why I’m writing this review like this: I forgot what happened. Good for the popcorn, bad for the film fanatic. It was a nice two hours in the shade.

Agent 13 is disguised as a tree.

Jaime shows up.

Agent 99 almost had us believing in Barabara Feldon. I wish she was there. I loved her as a kid. I wonder if she did do a cameo?

They had Zigfried.

Would you believe…? Missed it by that much. Cone of silence.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

7 Replies to “Get Smart”

  1. i thought you kindda liked it… oh well! it was worth my excitement to see it, and if its on cable or dvd and its playing, i can go for a second screening. i keep on comparing it to my reaction upon seeing Zohan and i think Zohan is the one that i dont need to watch again.

  2. I did kinda of liked it, but as Max would say, “Missed it by that much!” It was missing something. I really can’t put a finger on it but read Lance Mannion’s take here, which gets to the problem fast. It’s the noticeable lack of empathy between Max and 99.

    I think I liked Zohan better because of the music. I wish they would release the OST. I want my Ofra Haza

  3. I laughed.

    Lance Mannion could have “done with out” the step by step analysis. Hee hee.

    “I ran over an old lady the other day. This is the best vacation ever”

    “Are you coming back this way?”

    It’s silly with some stale bits, but it was a good chuckle. Comedy is not free from critique, but if it makes you laugh… I guess it did it’s job. It felt like Max and a bit of 99 so I dug it.

    I do wish they kept it in the 60’s though. The technological side would have been funny.

  4. Mannion’s take is in depth and with basis to which i am not aware of. ive not seen the original. yet i would agree about the “missed it by that much” coz i think they showed the “stapled head” scene so much that you knew it was gonna happen, the trailer had the broken beads curtain and you knew it was gonna happen, you knew that the tough-ass chic will fall for Max, you knew that The Rock will later be the snitch in the movie. that is why Agent 13 made a mark on me coz i didnt know he will be there, still sullen and appearing on a tree.

    the gauge was Zohan coz i think Get Smart and Zohan both made me laugh so much that i enjoyed watching it. though when i said i think i cannot watch a second screening for Zohan, it was to say that i think i cannot tolerate watching the whole movie again and i think i would get disappointed coz i will not be enjoying the movie as much as i did.

  5. I don’t know if it “missed it by that much”

    It was goofy fun like the teli version.

    Therefore, right on the money.

    It wasn’t all laughs and pee pee pants, but neither was the show. Silly fun. 5 STARS! Hee hee. Just kidding. “This is no Pest” but still enjoyable.

    The split in the middle of the laser beam sequence? Hee hee. Some miss the mark… the dance sequence… “insk”. But in general, I guess it depends on what you like.

    I feel like Mannion stomped out the fun to be honest.

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