Chinese Spam Engine

I always wondered how spammers filled their spam email with snippets of text. You’ve read it. It defeats your spam blocker with the random text, and when you read it it almost makes sense. Almost.

So now my Annie Hall review is infamous. It’s probably clogging up the internet pipes as we speak. More interesting is if I ever receive it back.

Can anyone decode the unicode text and tell me what it means?

Here it is in full: (with additional line breaks added by me)
Beijing China

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Chinese Spam Engine”

  1. it means that your Annie Hall review was copy pasted by some lazy ass college kid in China who handed in “his” review but the professor googled it and every single word appeared to be from your review, thus he cries plagiarism.

  2. That would be true, if I didn’t see this same referring, fake, Windows directory URL more than once. This is about the fourth or fifth time I’ve seen this referrer. IT’s freaking funny.

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