Condition Red

I finally rode my bike.

This weekend was the hottest so far for the summer. It was record temps and high humidity, and it was hot enough to send out a code red for extreme conditions. Whatever you do don’t do anything to strenuous during the peak daylight hours.

I was stupid, and went out shortly before noon. I figured to get a ride in and jump in the pool afterwards.

The ride began somewhat fun. A right onto Greenspring and a quick jaunt to Caves. There must’ve been a tail wind, because I was flying. I really thought I was in shape, but it’s been two months since the fatwars and I’m home as a veteran so I deserved my rest and pie. I’ve lost all conditioning since then, but I am mentally thinking I am okay. With the tailwind, it looked as if I was flying and the conditioning was still there. On the turn around on Park Heights, the tailwind became a headwind and reality set in.

I was pedaling, but seemed to go nowhere, 12mph! And it was slow. The melting tarmac added to the problem. As I crested the hill and down the other side into the valley, the heat began to build. Halfway through the ride, I knew I had to get out of there as the heat was becoming oppressive. I was going to have to take the shortcut — up Dover Road.

I have never ridden up Dover Road. And it was only my fifth day in the saddle all season. Dover Road rises up a hill for at least half a mile. It’s probably not good to take it on the hottest day. And it wasn’t. I made it a third of the way, got off and walked the rest of the way up. My spirit was broken. I bonked. I spun the rest of the way home.

I was hurting for the next half hour trying to cool down and get hydrated. It was really something.

The next day though was fun. A tad earlier in the day. Less humidity. A slight wind. It was great. And I was running quick. I think it’s coming back. The feeling of the need to go for a ride. I’m starting to smile.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

8 Replies to “Condition Red”

  1. woah! i saw this come up now! great!

  2. Update! On your blogroll!!!

  3. my email feed on comments is faster than google reader. suxz!

  4. My google reader seems to be good enough to keep up.

  5. i dunno. is it coz this is fios?


    never mind!

  6. although i know nothing about cycling, this is a really cool post. felt like i was riding alongside you.

  7. like on his handle bars “M”? “Weeeee. I’m flying, I’m really flying!”

  8. @m: cycling is just riding your bike. You do know how to ride a bike?

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