The Love Triangle

So, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been watching a lot of anime (and reading plenty of manga). You would think that I would stick to the tried and true big robot genre. Yet, I am digging any of the romance stuff, both comedy and dramas. It’s not as silly or girly as you think because most of the ones I’ve seen and read stick are targeted at Japanese males. I’m staying away from the shojo anime for now.

The story lines for them all follow the similar structure. Love is unrequited. The dream girl is being sought after. Then a third (or more) enters the fray to create the drama and tension for the series. A couple will emerge from the triad, but their story is circuitous.

If these anime were american, one of the three would be an idiot or shrew or jerk or milquetoast. He or she would not be worthy and the screenwriters spend their time highlighting that fact. The dream one will be almost perfect. You’ll end up rooting for the perfect couple to emerge disengaging the shrew/idiot/jerk in a discourteous way.

In anime/manga, the rivals for the heart of the protagonist are equally matched. They have they’re good sides and they have they’re bad sides. An argument can easily be made for either one. You end up liking both, and you can’t stand for anyone to get hurt.

I’ve been watching Kimikiss Pure Rouge, and every triad is like that. I’m pissed off, because I don’t want to see any of them hurt. Still, I know that the story must choose a couple, and I can’t help but want the shy, quiet one to be it. It’s most convenient that she is moving away though, but why must he break her heart.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “The Love Triangle”

  1. because that’s how it goes. then you’ll have to wait for the rest of the series until the end. =p

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