
I think I finished up my masters degree this week. I turned in the final assignment and am now just waiting for the sheepskin to be sent my way. Barring any unforseen errors by myself or by the school, it should happen. I will be a Master of Science in Software Engineering!

The graduation ceremenony is on the 17th and I am pondering on whether to walk or not. I feel obliged since I did pay for the gown, but I really don’t want to be there on that day. I would like to, so that I know that I have accomplished something, but I’m too shy about it. I would walk for my parents to show them that their progeny also value education and for my grandparents who lead my parents to getting schooled. I wouldn’t walk because I would rather be riding my bike on that morning.

All in all, I am again undecided. Like a freshman.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Graduation”

  1. Congrats Bro! I say go ride and relish in your awesome accomplishment

  2. congrats! (this shouldve been longer, but at 309am, i think i dont want to write down an ass crack remark). =p

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