Lookin Up

I wonder if things are going to get better once school is done.

I’m trying to cram something in tonight, because of class tomorrow. It’s half assed right now (that link will work later this evening. I’ve got dishes in the sink. I’ve got laundry to fold in the drier. I’ve got some to iron. When will this shit end?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Lookin Up”

  1. after finals.

    i cant wait for it myself.

  2. You are my ironing inspiration. Every morning that I’m rushing to iron my shirt I’m thinking, dammit why can’t I be good like browser and iron my damn shirts beforehand!

  3. @riss: I have those things sitting there since last I threw them in the dryer.

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