Bring the funk

Took the new steed out for a ride on the NCR trail yesterday morning. That’s why I got it for. To be a more rugged bike for riding the NCR or other bike trails around the area (BWI or Annapolis).

Things to know about this bike. It’s a single speed and can be set to fixed gear. One gear. To go faster I have to pedal faster. To go up hills I have to grind them. It’s weird, but I hope that it will help develop some leg speed and some strength.

So, the NCR is flat. I did 26 miles. And I wasn’t even winded. Legs weren’t jelly for this early in the season. I have to thank my work outs for that. At first it felt too easy on the ride, but I targeted a 15mph speed. Didn’t get there because I had to slow down some.

It was somewhat cold also in the morning. I had to go back and get my jacket from the car. It warmed up around 10. Lots of people started showing up and the trail head was packed.

I think I can do this to PA and back. Next time, I’ll go out longer. Earlier. Faster.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.