Run Fatboy Run

There should be commas there shouldn't there?In support of Fat War, the seed, fish tank and I caught this movie.
Fish tank and I eating some popcorn. The premise of the movie is simple: after running away from his pregnant
bride on their wedding day, Dennis (Simon Pegg) will run back to her
graces in a marathon. Of course, he's a shlub whose only exercise is
going to the market for smokes. He must face off with smug, American
Whit (Hank Azaria) who makes running a part of his daily routine. You know how this one plays out. So why bother? Simon Pegg, he of
Shaun of the Dead fame and Hot Fuzz, is always a winning character.So British, but somewhat fun. Fat War continues on the screen! of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Run Fatboy Run”

  1. oh how i heart simon pegg.

  2. i think its Run Fatboy, Run. or maybe Run Fatboy! Run!!! anyway, the whole idea is there.

    i got inspired with this movie. *to order an English breakfast and an extra. =p*

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